Storing Your Motorhome For Winter - What Do You Need To Do?

Now you may have noticed that within just the last week we have seen a massive drop in temperature, this not only means we need to crank up our central heating.

You need to think about the best way of storing your motorhome for those unpredictable winter months, otherwise you can be in for headaches after all motorhomes are an expensive purchase and just like your home, you need to ensure some essential maintenance is carried out before you get it out again come springtime.

One of the biggest issues for your motorhome in winter is to drain the water system fully. What can often happen is that if the water freezes it cant then expand and split the water pipes. This then inadvertently leads to damp in your motorhome. This is one of the biggest problems in caravans and motorhomes. Ensure you leave all of the taps open, even if the water system is drained this is to allow any excess pressure or water to escape from the system.

If your motorhome is going to be stored for several months or more, ensure you disconnect the leisure battery from the motorhome. This is to make sure that the battery is not drained and by disconnecting it this will ensure that your battery is not ready for the brakers yard.

If you have gas tanks, make sure that you remove them and store them somewhere safely in a garage or outbuilding. This is also a safety feature as it is not advisable to leave gas tanks in your motorhome.

Also make sure all bedding and cushions are removed from your motorhome, many forget this and due to the cold temperatures, this can lead to damp and mould setting in on the fabric.

Also a lot of motorhome users tend to cover their caravan or motorhome in tarpaulin for the winter, they think that this is a good way to protect it from the elements. What this actually does is restrict the amount of airflow to your motorhome, what this then means is that you will then develop mould on the outer shell of your motorhome. If possible try and park your motorhome in a garage or under some form of cover such as a barn.

Other considerations to take into account include;

  • Put your motorhome on axle stands to ensure that your tyres are kept in good condition
  • Before you store your motorhome, change the engine oil and add an additive to the remaining fuel to ensure that the fuel is in good condition
  • Clean the fridge out and leave the door open. This removes any nasty smells
  • Stop yourself from starting the engine all of the time. What this can lead to is added moisture in the exhaust system, which can lead to rusting in the winter months.
  • Ensure you keep checks on your battery throughout the winter months. Make sure it is charged at all times. This is to prolong the life of the battery but also to make sure that when you come to start the engine again in your motorhome it will run first time. You can use a trickle charger to do this. You can plug it into the cigarette lighter outlet and will keep the battery ticking over till spring.
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